on 5/18/2011

Dewa 19 is a musical group formed in 1986 in Surabaya, Indonesia. This group has several times experienced personnel changes and currently consists of Ahmad Dhani (keyboard), Andra Ramadhan (guitar), Elfonda Mekel (vocals), Yuke Sampurna (bass) and Supreme Yudha (drums). Having dominated the festival stages in the late 1980s, Dewa 19 and then moved to Jakarta and released his first album in 1992 under the label Team Records.

This group has achieved success throughout the decade of the 1990s and 2000s through a series of pop songs and rock genre. The album that they release almost always get good reception in the market, even their album which was released in 2000, Five Star, is one of Indonesia's best-selling album with sales of nearly 2 million copies. In 2005, the magazine named Hi band Dewa 19 as Indonesia's richest with revenues reaching more than 14 billion a year. In the midst of success he achieved, this group had several times stumbled legal issues, including issues of copyright infringement and feud with Islamic organizations.
Throughout her career journey, Dewa 19 has received many awards, both BASF and AMI Awards Awards. They also have won awards in the United States LibForAll Award for their contributions to peace efforts and religious tolerance. In 2008, Dewa 19 included in the list of "The Immortals: 25 Artis Indonesia Greatest of All Time" by Rolling Stone magazine. Deity is recognized as one of the greatest legends or icons in the history of popular music of Indonesia.
Dewa was first formed in 1986 by four students SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya. Gods name is an acronym from the name of the four of them: Ahmad Dhani (keyboard, vocals), Erwin Prasetya (bass), Henry Juniarso (drums) and Andra Junaidi (guitar). They have a place to practice at home headquarters in Jalan Darmawangsa Wawa No. In the South. 7, which is located at the Airlangga University complex.
God who originally came up with a more pop music, then changed direction into jazz after Erwin introducing jazz music to this group. Henry is a big fan of rock music and then decided to leave in 1988 and joined the Outsider which among other member Ari Lasso. The position of Henry was replaced by Salman and Gods name was changed to Down Beat, which was taken from the name of the jazz magazine published by the United States. In East Java and the surrounding area, the name of Down Beat that time quite popular, especially after successfully dominate stage festivals. Call it Jazz Festival Teenagers in East Java, the first winner Festival '90 high school band or a second winner Needles Super Fiesta Musical.
When the name of Henry Slank flying again called in to turn on the Gods, by getting too Ari Lasso. Beat Down name was changed to Dewa 19, since that time the average age of personnel of 19 years. This time, Dewa 19 comes with a diverse mix of music into one: pop, rock, even jazz, which gave birth to a new alternative for Indonesian music repertoire at the time.
One of his classmate Henry, Aaron was interested in the concept and offered investment of USD 10 million to memodali his friends create a master recording. Because there is no studio in Surabaya are eligible, they had to go move to Jakarta, albeit with a mediocre capital.
19921994: first album and early success
Dewa 19 master's finish making their debut album in Jakarta. After that, Andra, Ari, Erwin, and Henry returned to Surabaya while Dhani remain in Jakarta to seek a record label willing to orbit them. Dhani and then roam around the city of Jakarta, from a record company to label one another using a city bus. Initially many record companies rejected them because he considered them less to sell songs. Finally, Dewa 19 master recordings eventually ogled by Jan Djuhana from Team Records, which has successfully catapulted KLa Project.
In 1992, God released his first album, entitled Gods 19. On their debut album unexpectedly exploded and demand in the market, so Team Records which incidentally is a small label was forced to ask Aquarius Musikindo to mengabil over production of this album. This album gave birth to single titled "Pas" and "Till We Meet Again" which successfully got a place in the hearts of music lovers Indonesia. Name Dewa 19 was instantly skyrocketed in blantika Indonesian music. Through this album Dewa 19 successfully won 2 awards at the BASF Awards 1993, one each for the category "Best Newcomer" and "Best Selling Album 1993".
In 1994, Dewa 19 released their second album, entitled The Future Formats. In the midst of the cultivation of this album, Henry resigned from Dewa 19 and was replaced temporarily by a supporting cast Rere (now drummer in the ADA Band). As from 24 September 1994 officially became a label Aquarius Musikindo Dewa 19 replaces Team Records. This album spawned the single titled "I'm Yours" and "There Will not Love Another".
19951997: Best of the Best and Five Pandavas
In 1995, Dewa released an album titled Best of the Best. Wong Aksan then join in and occupy the position of drummer. This album has a concept of pop rock music that was developed by adding elements of jazz, folk, funk and ballads. Many observers believe that music is the best album ever made Dewa 19 which confirmed them as one big band terkreatif in Indonesia. Rolling Stone magazine's December 2007 edition, put this album at position 26 in the list of "150 Best Indonesian Album".
This album catapulted the hit single titled "Simply Siti Nurbaya", "One Heart (We Supposedly)" and the ballad "Love" Take Me Back ". Through this album is god again awarded BASF Awards for "Best Rock Group", "Group / Duo Best Record" and "Good Music Records Best". Video clip "Just Siti Nurbaya" also received the award for "Best Video Clips" in the event the Video Music Indonesia. Best of the Best has been successful album sold 500,000 copies in Indonesia. Since the album was also Dewa 19 Balarama began using the term to refer to fanatical fans.
Dewa 19 fourth album entitled Five Pandavas was released in 1997. Through this album, Dewa 19 successfully won six awards at the Anugerah Musik Indonesia 1997, namely for "Best Alternative Song", "General Best Song," "Duo / Group Best Alternative," "Best Rhythm & Blues Album" and "Best Album Cover ". This album gave birth to a number of hits of which titled "Kirana" and "Eyes Only-Begotten." Both songs won awards Video Music Indonesia as the "Video Clips Favorites". Five Pandavas had successfully sold more than 800 thousand copies and was certified 5x Platinum.
19981999: Drug Dependence and disintegration
On June 4, 1998, Wong Aksan officially eliminated from Dewa 19 due to his game that is too thick with shades of jazz. He was replaced by Ben Sulaksono (former member of the Neutral). Soon after Ben came out of this group and join to form a group Bebi Romeo.
Dewa 19 are also facing problems due to two personnel, Ari Lasso and Erwin Prasetya experiencing severe drug dependence. In addition to destroying their personal lives, drugs are also cripple the entire activity of god 19. Various bids had to be rejected and canceled a gig because often during a gig, Ari performed with appalling conditions. Album of the 5th Dewa 19 was never completed due to schedule recordings tilled frequently delayed. Slowly begin to arise conflicts in the body of Dewa 19.
Ari and Erwin was given a rest for a few months and Dewa 19 divakumkan for a while. Erwin then decided to enter rehabilitation and boarding schools to eliminate that bad habit. After going through quite a long time Erwin successfully cured. While Ari Lasso absolutely no signs of improving, even worsened. Seeing Ari Lasso increasingly alarming condition, he was forced out of the position of vocalist Dewa 19.
In 1999, God released the album The Best of Dewa 19, which contains the best works during a vocalist Ari Lasso. This album contains two new songs called "Eagle" and "Dedication of Heaven." The album was again a success even without any promotion. After the release of this album, Dewa 19 official personnel only 2 people only.
Elfonda Mekel (Once) who met with Dhani in 1997, recruited a new vocalist to replace Ari Lasso Dewa 19. Previously, Once with Dhani and Andra had worked on recordings for the movie title. Once then also invites his friends, Tyo Nugros join Dewa 19 to fill the vacant drummer position.[Edit] 20002002: Peak of success
After a long vacuum of Indonesian music arena, finally on April 30, 2000, the god appears in a prime with the new formation: Ahmad Dhani (keyboard), Andra Ramadhan (guitar), Once (vocalist) and Tyo Nugros (drummer). This time Dewa 19 comes with the name "god" only, no-frills "19".
"Dime novel" (2000)The first single with new vocalist Dewayne Once. This song managed to bring back the god to success after a few years before the vacuum due to various problems. This song was awarded "Best Song" on AMI Awards 2000.
In 2000, God released his fifth album titled Five Stars. At first many are pessimistic about the formation of the god at that time. But it turns out, the album Five Star actually exploded on the market, even the most successful albums throughout his career Gods. Of the 11 songs on the album material, 6 of them even become a favorite song of young people throughout the country. "Dime novel", "Two lovebirds", "Minutes of the heart", "Half Breath", "Jealousy" and "Song of Love" is the song that much-requested song on radio stations in Indonesia. God on tour in 36 cities to promote the album as well as introducing their new formation. Through this album, Gods won 3 awards AMI Awards 2000, namely "Singer / Group, Best", "Best Song" ("dime novel") and "Best Album". Five Star successfully sold more than 1.7 million copies and is one of the best-selling album in Indonesia. Total sales of this album (original and pirated) is estimated to reach 9 million copies.
Erwin Prasetya who has fully recovered from the drug re-join the gods. Love the sixth album released on April 5, 2002. This album will initially titled The Six Sense, but only because of market considerations, the label changed it to Love. This album was re-gain success Five Star album. Before officially released on the market this album has even been selling as many as 200,000 pieces. Total sales of this album has reached over 1.04 million copies. In the AMI Awards 2002 event, the god managed to bring 3 awards for "Duo / Group Best Pop", "Best Song" ("Arjuna") and "the best album cover.
In the midst of success he achieved, the god stumble problem of copyright infringement. The song entitled "Arjuna Love" was sued by Yudhistira ANM Massardi, as the author of the novel of the same title. Dewayne considered menciplak title novel "Arjuna Love" without confirmation by the author. Although initially had insisted was innocent, God finally willing to make peace with changing the title song to "Arjuna".
In the same year, the god recorded the song entitled "True Champion" to become the official theme song for World Cup 2002 in Indonesia, which was broadcast by RCTI. Although originally not for commercial purposes, the song was later released in a compilation titled NU Rock.
On July 1, 2002, Erwin Prasetya re-issued from the Gods by the management in perpetuity. He was later replaced by Yuke Sampurna, who is a former basist The Groove.
20032006: Laskar Cinta, Republic of Love and efforts to go international
Yuke Sampurna, a former basist The Groove, joined together Dewa 19 in 2002.
Gods tour titled "In the Name of Love" in 25 cities in Indonesia, which opened with a concert at the Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, February 18, 2003. In this tour, the god also included Ari Lasso, former vocalist of the god. In early 2004, God released a double live album In the Name of Love is a concert recording during a tour of the Name of Love, featuring songs hits the Dewa since 1992 in a concert version. Dewa is also re-releasing The Best Of Dewa 19 in the form of DVDs containing the Birth & Travel Dewa 19 and 10 video clips, plus an audio CD and a book of history and travel Dewa 19. Since its release in 1999, the album The Best of Dewa 19 alone has sold nearly 1 million copies.
In 2004, the god back on tour in 30 city-sponsored Yamaha titled "Gods Yamaha Tour 2004 - Always Ahead". After the tour, held at Avenue, Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, the official Gods titled eighth album Laskar Cinta on November 22, 2004. On this album Gods presents a more hard rock music and the use of music sampling. This album catapulted hits titled "Prince of Love", "One" and "Mad Love". The name of the god and then returned again become "the God of 19".
Dewa 19 struck back problem, this time with the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Laskar Cinta album cover concerns that contains a logo like calligraphy Allah. This feud had tails on Dewa 19 reporting to the police by FPI. After throwing hot comments in the media, finally on April 27, 2005, Dewa 19 and his lawyer Habib Husein Umar SH held a news conference to announce the faith want to change the logo on the cover of the album "Laskar Cinta". Change the logo was done by Tepan Cobain of Gods creative team in consultation with the expert calligraphy of the Qur'an, Didier Sirajuddin AR. Regarding changes in the logo, Dewa 19 also reprinted the cover of the album Laskar Cinta. In the reprint the album cover, in addition to no change the logo, also there is a change in personnel god images that were previously seen wearing tattoos removed, according to advice from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
During 2003 to 2005, God has several times been invited to hold a concert in the international arena. On 13-15 August 2003, the Gods hold 2 pieces of concerts in Japan, each in Tokyo and Nagoya. In 2004, God held a concert in South Korea, and then to the United States to hold a concert in Boston, Houston, San Francisco and Seattle. On May 7, 2004 god also got an invitation to hold a concert in East Timor within the framework of the country's Independence Day. On May 15, 2004, Dewa 19 concert held at the Municipal Stadium, Dili, and was greeted by 50,000 audiences. This figure is the amount the god's largest audience during a gig overseas. The next day, when about reintroduction into Indonesia, Dewa personnel visited by President Xanana Gusmao in the corridor Aeroporto Internacional Presidente Nicolau Lobato. In March 2005, God held a concert in the city of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Dewa 19 also held a concert in Singapore after receiving an award from Anugerah Planet Muzik typical 2005 as "The Most Genius Band".
Dewayne started to seriously explore the international market by signing a contract for 3 albums with EMI Music International in Hong Kong in force as of January 1, 2006. Dewa 19 and then released an album titled Republic of Love in early 2006 in two versions, namely for the Indonesian market and international market. Before releasing this album, on December 12, 2005, Gods and EMI have been throwing singles titled "Laskar Cinta" in 150 radio in Indonesia. "Laskar Cinta" itself raised the issue of terrorism and violence. inspired by the Gods feud with FPI some time earlier. KH Abdurrahman Wahid Writing in The New York Times, a leading newspaper in the United States, has led to the name of Dewa 19 to that country. Dewayne LibForAll Award was awarded in the United States for the song "Warriors of Love" (English version "Warriors of Love") which was considered calling for peace and religious tolerance. The award is given directly by the CEO LibForAll Foundation, Holland Taylor, in New York, United States.
Dewa 19 cost more than half a billion to work on the 11 video clips on this album. Dewa 19 and then released the VCD and DVD Karaoke from the album Republic of Love. God also made a video clip "I Want to Break Free" for informational purposes only. Video of the legendary band Queen's song is also played by a network of Hard Rock Cafe around the world, in order to widen the opportunities god known to the world.
Despite their international career does not go materialize, Republic of Love album successfully produced an award at the AMI Awards 2006. Dewa 19 was awarded "Best Rock Group" and "Best Album". Not only that, vocalist Gods, Once was also awarded "Best Male Solo Singer" through his solo project. Republic of Love album itself sold over 450 thousand copies for 3.5 weeks. In March 2006, the album was also certified platinum in Malaysia. This year, the god was also named as "Ambassadors of Surabaya" of success and their achievements as a musical group from Surabaya.
2007sekarang: Kingdom of Love and solo career
Tyo Nugros Dewa 19 out of formation in 2007.
In 2007, Dewa released an album entitled Kingdom of Love. This album contains 2 new songs called "Goddess" and "Dead I'm Dead", while the rest are songs on the album Republic of Love and old songs that diremix god or re-recorded. The song "Dead I'm Dead" was appointed to be a movie soundtrack landing Hanung Bramantyo, Ye are the Only, starring by Nirina Zubir. The movie itself tells the story of sacrifice and desperation of a fanatical fan of Dewa 19. In this year, Dewa 19 return must lose one of its personnel, Tyo Nugros. Tyo out after he had a vacuum of Gods activity after suffering pain in his legs that required him unable to play drums for a long time. Outstanding drummer then given to the Supreme Yudha.
Dewa 19 held a massive concert in five cities in Malaysia, namely: Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Johor Bahru, Penang and Kuala Lumpur during the month of December 2007. Gods and then perform a concert at the State Stadium, Kuala Lumpur. Dewa 19 to print the history of music in Malaysia where a musical group perform concerts in five major cities in Malaysia within a month. In this concert Dewa 19 holding a number of top Malaysian singers including Ella and Sheila Majid. God also made a special song of fans in Malaysia entitled "Love Sector in Malaysia". In addition, Dewa 19 elected to the icon of Celcom Bhd, one of the giant telecommunications company of Malaysia.
In 2008, Dewa 19 included in the list of "The Immortals: 25 Artis Indonesia Greatest of All Time" by Rolling Stone magazine. Deity is recognized as one of the greatest legends or icons in the history of popular music of Indonesia. After a long vacuum, God released a single entitled "The Most Beautiful Women in My country Indonesia." The single report in the alum compilation The Best Of Love Artists Republic Vol. 1. Work on the album Gods kesempuluh experiencing difficulties due to each personnel busy with his solo career. In 2009, Dewa 19 re-released a single titled "No Ordinary Human Love" creation Bebi Romeo.
Side Project
Since the last release of his album Kingdom of Love in 2007, the personnel Dewa 19 began to concentrate on their respective solo projects. Andra Ramadhan form a band Andra & The Backbone in 2006, with Stevie and Dedy Item Oral. This group's first album was released in 2007, with a jump-start a number of hits such as "destroyed" and "Perfect". In 2007, Ahmad Dhani began to develop management Dewa 19 to Republic of Love Management. Through this management, Dhani successfully gave birth to several famous artists, including Dewi Dewi, Mulan Jameela, and The Virgin. Dhani later also formed the band The Rock and a vocalist. Vocalist Dewa 19, Elfonda Mekel, also developed a career as a solo artist by recording singles for movie soundtracks Dealova in 2005, later followed by the single "I Love You It Is" in 2007. In 2009, Yuke Sampurna followed his colleagues to form a band Number One and The Chemistry.
Studio album

* 1992: Dewa 19
* 1994: Future Formats
* 1995: Best of the Best
* 1997: Five Pandavas
* 2000: Five Stars
* 2002: Love
* 2004: Laskar Cinta
* 2006: The Republic of Love
* 2007: Kingdom of Love

* 1999: The Best Of Dewa 19
* 2008: The Republic of Love Artists Best Of Vol. 1
* 2009: The Republic of Love Artists Best Of Vol. 2
Live albums

* 2004: On behalf of Love I & II
* 2005: Dewa Live in Japan (Limited Edition)
Throughout her career journey, Dewa 19 has received many awards. This group has recorded several times to obtain an award or AMI BASF Awards Awards. Dewa 19 also received numerous awards from abroad, among them 2 times won the Anugerah Planet Muzik, LibForAll LibForAll Award from the Foundation, the United States as well as award Moonman Award from MTV Southeast Asia Viewer's Choice.

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