on 6/02/2011
With reinforced Roy Jeconiah (vocals), ohn Paul Ivan (guitar), Hubert Henry (bass), Petrus 0Augusti (drums), rock group from Surabaya named Lost Angels is trying to test the guts to follow-Indonesian Rock Festival VI (1993). Not bad, they entered the top 10 finalists, ranked 6th. As a reward, his song entitled No More follow-up perched on the 10 Finalists compilation album Rock Festival-Indonesia VII.
Since then, Lost Angels began to enter the ranks of the rock group whose name began to be taken into account in Surabaya and surrounding areas. Even Roy et al had received the honor as the opening band Gong 2000, when a musical group led by Ian Antono touring in South Sulawesi. Beyond that, one thing remains the obsession of Lost Angels, which entered the kitchen recordings. "Itu obsesi kita," recalled Roy, who claims to have met some Log Zhelebour offers master records.
After going through a long process, in 1994, they sign a contract with Zhelebour log to record the album, at once decided to be renamed Lost Angels Boomerang. Bomerang name itself is taken from one of the songs on their debut album. Unfortunately, almost in the same time, Peter Augusti retreat, which is then replaced Farid Martin. What was achieved Boomerang currently not out of existence Log Zhelebour as producer. Because no denying that the presence Log in here has a share in no small part in lifting the big name Boomerang as one of the top rock groups. In addition to acting as producer, the log also handles of his showbiz .
In the midst of preparations for the promotion of the album release X'Travaganza (2000), logs had to make 7 videos clip that worked before the album was circulated. But unfortunately, shortly after the album was released X'Travaganza, and at the moment they are heavily-incessant promotion, Boomerang decision by arguing back from Zhelebour log management. Not only that, concurrent with the release of Vision Therapy album (2003), they decided to get out of the Logiss Records, and instead ruled by the Sony Music - Indonesia.
Under Log management, music group that had become the opening band at a gig in Medan Megadeth has released 7 albums, respectively; Boomerang (1994), Kontaminasi Otak (1995), Disharmoni (1996), Segitiga (1998), Best Ballads of Boomerang & Hard 'N 0Heavy (1999), and X'Travaganza (2000).

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